Academic Salon Design for the Future of the Joint School
Motorcycle design: a mixture of Industrial and Passion approach
联合设计与创新学院授课教师,米兰理工大学设计系副教授Fausto Brevi及设计系研究员Flora Gaetani邀请Anyma Design创始人Lorenzo Naddei为学院2022级工业设计学生做专题讲座。本次讲座是概念表达技法II课程的拓展延伸。
Instructors with Joint School, Prof. Fausto Brevi (Associate Professor at the Department of Design) and Flora Gaetani (Research Fellow at the same Department) invited Lorenzo Naddei, founder of Anyma Design, to give a lecture to the Engineering-Industrial Design students of the Joint School’s Class of 2022. The lecture will be an extension of Concept Visualization Tools II.
主讲人:Lorenzo Naddei
时 间:2023年5月22日(星期一)16:40-17:30
地 点:米兰楼负一层报告厅
Speaker: Lorenzo Naddei
Date and time: Monday, 22 May 2023, 16:40-17:30
Venue: The auditorium located on the lower ground floor of the Milan Building

职业生涯始于1995年,先后在著名的摩托车品牌杜卡迪和比亚乔担任摩托车设计师,之后他在博洛尼亚Engines Engineering有限责任公司任首席设计师和3D建模师。2003年他创立了运输和产品设计公司Q-ID,其客户包括世界上最重要的摩托车品牌(川崎,哈雷戴维森,比亚乔,杜卡迪,雅马哈,标致摩托车,隆鑫,力帆等)和汽车品牌(法拉利,宾尼法利纳,长安)。曾获红点设计奖和IF设计奖等重要奖项。
Profile of the speaker:
Lorenzo holds a BSc in Transportation Design from the Istituto Superiore di Scienza dell’Automobile in Modena (ISSAM).
He started his career in 1995 as a motorcycle designer at the prestigious motorcycle Brand Ducati, before moving to the Piaggio Style Center. Later, after a business experience, he became Lead Designer and 3D Modeler at Engines Engineering s.r.l. in Bologna. In 2003 he founded Q-ID, a transportation and product design company, which counts among its customers the most important motorcycle brands of the world (Kawasaki, Harley Davidson, Piaggio, Ducati, Yamaha, Peugeot motocycles, Loncin, Lifan, and many others), and automotive brands (Ferrari, Pininfarina, Changan). During his career, Lorenzo has received important awards, such as the “Red Dot design award” and the “IF design award”.

(扫码了解Anyma Design)