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Position offered to Global Talents in XJTU-POLIMI Joint School of Design and Innovation

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XJTU-POLIMI Joint School of Design and Innovation is a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school, a non-independent legal entity, jointly built by XJTU and POLIMI through win-win cooperation and advantage complementation. The School is committed to inheriting the two universities’ profound academic accumulation and spirit of design innovation and promoting the international development of design discipline. According to the need, the School is now inviting global talents to join us.

I. Position available

(I) Outstanding young talent

(II) Postdoctor

II. Basic Conditions

(I) Be politically correct, implement the educational policy of the CPC, being well-conducted, honest, and trustworthy, advocate science, possess a rigorous academic style and a pioneering and innovative spirit, and abide by the professional and academic ethics of teachers.

(II) Hold a doctor’s degree, and be generally not over 32 years old and physically and mentally healthy.

III. Professional Background Requirements

Design and related interdisciplinary fields are the main direction, including but not limited to mechanical engineering, computer science and technology, control science and engineering, artificial intelligence, information and communication engineering, etc.

IV. Positions and Remunerations

(I) Outstanding young talent: ranking among the forefront of peers with respect to academic level with research directions meeting the requirements of “being oriented to the world’s scientific and technological frontier, the main economic field, the major needs of the country, and the life and health of the people”. Income and other benefits are as follows:


Basic salary of CNY   300,000/year + Social insurance and housing funds of about CNY 80,000/year paid by the   university + Performance distribution of the School + Scientific research and   social service income

Working Conditions   & Living Treatment

1. The talent can   apply for the “Basic Research Funds for Central Universities”. After the   talent is promoted to a senior position in teaching and research of the   university or selected into the university’s talent program, the university   will issue research start-up fund and settling-in allowance according to the   corresponding standards.

2. The talent can   rent an apartment of the university or enjoy a rental allowance of CNY   1,500/month.

3. Children of the   talent can enjoy the high-quality primary and secondary educational resources   affiliated to the university.

(II) Postdoctor


Basic salary of CNY   160,000/year + Social security and housing funds of about CNY 65,000/year   paid by the university + Performance distribution of the School + Scientific   research and social service income

Working Conditions   & Living Treatment

1. The postdoctor can   apply for the “Basic Research Funds for Central Universities”. After the   postdoctor is promoted to a senior position in teaching and research of the   university or selected into the university’s talent program, the university   will issue research start-up fund and settling-in allowance according to the   corresponding standards.

2. The postdoctor can   rent an apartment of the university or enjoy a rental allowance of CNY   1,500/month.

3. Children of the   postdoctor can enjoy the high-quality primary and secondary educational   resources affiliated to the university.

V. Application Process

Applicants are required to send application materials (naming format: name-graduation/working university-position) to the designated e-mail address. The materials submitted should include: the Application Form for the “Outstanding Young Talent Support Program” of Xi’an Jiaotong University or the Postdoctor Application Form of Xi’an Jiaotong University, academic resume, copy of the degree certificate, design work(s), published achievement(s), and other supporting materials.


Contact person: Pei Ruoyun

Tel.: 0086-29-88960094

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