Luigi Spinelli, Milan 1958.
Degree in Architecture on March 28, 1983 at the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano, thesis Collective elements and open space in the Basilicas area in Milan, supervisor prof. Maurice Munir Cerasi, grade 100/100.
From 8 November 2021 Full Professor in Architectural Design (SSD 08/D1) at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies DAStU of the Politecnico di Milano.
Since 2014 member of the teaching Board of the PhD in Architectural, Urban and Interior Design AUID, DAStU Department, Politecnico di Milano. From 2016 to 2021 Dean/Coordinator of the Master's Degree Course in Architectural Design and History at the Campus of Mantova (two terms of office). From 1st of January 2022 Dean/Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Program in Progettazione dell’architettura/Architectural Design (Milano, Mantova, Piacenza campuses).
From 1986 to 2013 editor of the Domus magazine by the Editoriale Domus. From 2010 editor, and from 2019 deputy director, of the magazine Territorio by FrancoAngeli publisher, magazine of the DAStU Department.
Luigi Spinelli teaching are Architectural Design Studio and Elements of Architectural Typology.