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The "Lianchuang Cup" Industrial Design Competition for CNC Machine Tool Systems has officially launched!

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The "Lianchuang Cup" Industrial Design Competition for CNC Machine Tool Systems is hosted by the Machine Tool Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. of General Technology Group and co-organized by the Joint School of Design and Innovation, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Politecnico di Milano, Shaanxi Industrial Design Association, and Xi'an Design Federation. The competition aims to anchor itself in the strategic direction of serving a manufacturing powerhouse, facilitate the high-level development of the high-end CNC machine tool industry, provide a learning and exchange platform for teachers, students, design groups, and individuals from design disciplines nationwide to showcase their professional talents and innovative capabilities, contribute ideas for the product design of high-end CNC systems, strive to create a domestically produced machine tool brand image with international first-class standards, and enhance product added value and market competitiveness.

This competition sets questions based on real needs in the machine tool industry. Participants can not only win generous prizes, but outstanding works will also receive enterprise support for implementation, truly enabling their innovative designs to play a role in promoting industrial development!

I. Competition Theme

"Precision in Craftsmanship, Ingenuity in Heart" – Design and create around technical solutions and conceptual/creative products related to machine tools.

II. Participants

Teachers and students from universities nationwide, enterprises and institutions, research institutes, and design teams (companies). Both individuals and teams can sign up to participate.

III. Entry Categories

  1. Mid-range Host Appearance Design (12-inch Touch Screen)

    • Design the appearance of mid-range hosts (horizontal/vertical versions), considering both enclosed and non-enclosed (split) versions for GT Group's self-use and exports, as well as the integration with GT Group's equipment appearance.

    • Design the visual interface of mid-range hosts, referring to the interface design tone provided by the organizer, and leaving room for subsequent innovative design work by the designer.

  2. High-end Host Appearance Design (19-inch Touch Screen)

    • Include the appearance design of high-end hosts without enclosures, with enclosures, and with various installation methods. Consider factors such as hinges/suspenders/lower support arms during design.

    • Design the visual interface of high-end hosts, referring to the interface design tone provided by the organizer, and leaving room for subsequent innovative design work by the designer.

  3. Servo Drives

    • Optimize the appearance design of the product without changing its functionality, with a focus on ease of installation and cost reduction.

IV. Entry Requirements

  1. Participants must adhere to the design requirements, preserve the strategic main brand value of GT Group, consider expert opinions and market expectations, and fully consider integration with the appearance design of machine tools within the sector. The appearance of mid-range and high-end host products must be visually unified with the machine tools within the sector, exhibiting clear brand recognition. Conduct an overall design plan based on GT Group's brand perception and machine tool design planning, distinguishing between mid-range and high-end products while also considering future external market expansion needs.

  2. Entries can be submitted as physical objects (prototypes/models) or designed using 3D modeling, computer graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or hand drawings. Deliverables must include renderings of the product's appearance and design details, a design description, and a rendering example on a typical machine tool.

  3. Participants must provide: ① a description of the work; ② renderings (A3 size, resolution no lower than 300dpi, jpg format); ③ encouragement to submit physical objects or models; ④ personal information. The work description should include the work's name, design description, features, functions, etc. Note: To ensure fair evaluation, submitted renderings and model displays must not include the unit or name of the participant, or they will be considered invalid.

  4. Submitted works can be single pieces or a series, but they must be complete design products.

  5. Entries must be original designs,严禁抄袭/剽窃他人设计方案,不得侵犯第三方知识产权. If any legal disputes arise due to defects in the rights of the submitted works, false, illegal, or improper content, or any other unreasonable reasons, resulting in losses to third parties, the organizer and co-organizers shall not be held responsible. The submitting unit or individual shall bear the legal consequences.

  6. Special Note: This competition will focus on realizing the transformation and implementation of submitted works. When designing the scheme, please consider factors such as ease of manufacturing and cost control.

V. Competition Process

(I) Registration and Q&A Phase

GT Group's technical personnel will provide timely guidance on the use and structural principles of CNC machine tool systems through regular lectures and Q&A sessions in QQ groups, assisting participants in understanding the CNC machine tool systems. To better serve participants, a registration step has been added to facilitate communication and product understanding between participants and technical personnel.

  1. Registration Channels

    • All participants are requested to click on the link (URL: or scan the QR code below to register and provide participant information.

  2. Q&A Arrangements

    • Q&A arrangements for participants will be announced on the Joint School of Design and Innovation's official account and in the Q&A QQ group (Group ID: 666756885). Technical personnel will also promptly answer questions in the QQ group. All participants are encouraged to join the group for communication.

(II) Submission Phase: June 15, 2024 - July 15, 2024

  1. Email or Physical Submissions:

    • Email submissions should be sent to: (Contact: Ms. Wang, Tel: +86-29-88960095).

    • Physical submissions should be sent by courier to: Ms. Wang Ruixue, Building 6, Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbor, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Fengxi New City, Xixian New Area, Shaanxi Province, China. Tel: +86-13389207956.

  2. Email Subject: "Company + Name + Work Title", with attachments: "Registration Form + Participant's Originality Declaration (handwritten or electronically signed) + Work" sent in a single package.

  3. Participants must fill out the registration form and submit it along with their work. Once the electronic submission is made, it cannot be modified. Please back up your submissions as they will not be returned. Physical submissions can be retrieved after the evaluation by contacting the organizer.

  4. Teams must also send the completed registration form (download the template by clicking "Read More") to the email:

(III) Evaluation Phase: July 15, 2024 - July 30, 2024

The evaluation process consists of preliminary and professional evaluations, with final scores and rankings determined by total scores.

  1. Expert Evaluation Stage: In late July 2024, the organizing committee will invite a panel of experts to conduct on-site evaluations and scoring.

  2. Results Announcement: Scheduled for publication between August 1 and August 10, 2024.

  3. Works Exhibition Phase: In mid-August 2024, all submitted works will be showcased on the website of Xi'an Jiaotong University - Politecnico di Milano Joint School of Design and Innovation, the "Joint School of Design and Innovation" official account, and other public websites.

VI. Reward Structure

  1. First Prize: 1 team, awarded after the final evaluation with a cash reward of 30,000 yuan and a certificate of honor per team.

  2. Second Prize: 2 teams, awarded after the final evaluation with a cash reward of 10,000 yuan and a certificate of honor per team.

  3. Third Prize: 3 teams, awarded after the final evaluation with a cash reward of 5,000 yuan and a certificate of honor per team.

  4. Merit Award: 10 teams, awarded after the final evaluation with a cash reward of 1,000 yuan and a certificate of honor per team.

  5. Excellent Organization Award: Several recipients, awarded with a cash reward of 1,000 yuan and a certificate of honor per person.

VII. Rights and Interests Clarification and Others

(I) All awarded submissions are deemed to have the submitter's consent for publication. Receiving the award constitutes agreement that all intellectual property rights of the design belong to the organizer. Upon receiving the award, the organizer and the author will sign an agreement for the implementation of the design plan.

(II) The intellectual property rights of non-awarded submissions belong to the author (submitter). However, the submitter must commit and acknowledge that the organizer is entitled to all rights under the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, excluding the rights of publication, authorship, modification, and protection of the integrity of the work.

(III) Any changes to the above arrangements will be subject to the latest notification from the organizer, who retains the right to interpret the event plan.

Organizing Unit: General Technology Group Machine Tool Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Co-organizing Units: Xi'an Jiaotong University and Politecnico di Milano Joint School of Design and Innovation, Shaanxi Industrial Design Association, Xi'an Design Federation

Secretariat (Competition Consultation): Wang Yusheng,, +86-18392441451