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Good News: Teams from the XJTU-POLIMI School Won Three Gold Awards in the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition

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On Dec. 6, the National Finals of the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition (formerly the China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition) came to an end at Tianjin University. In the competition, XJTU won 6 gold awards (the proportion of gold awards was 1/10,000), including 5 in the main track of higher education and 1 in the track of “Red Dream Journey of the Youth”, with the total number tying for seventh place among the universities of China. XJTU also won 7 silver awards and 4 bronze awards, and the three international projects recommended by XJTU all won the gold awards, setting the best record. In this competition, XJTU and the international projects recommended by XJTU won a total of 9 gold awards, tying for fifth place among the universities of China. The total number of gold awards won by the university in nine competitions rose and tied for second place among the universities of China (excluding international projects).

Three gold awards in the main track of higher education (international projects) all belonged to the teacher and student teams of the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Joint School of Design and Innovation of XJTU, setting the best record of the university in the international competition track. They were: international projects Harmonious Integration -- Integration Pioneer in Prosthetic Hand Based on Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface and Fixator of Bone Healing co-directed by the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Joint School of Design and Innovation of XJTU and Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) and jointly participated in by the teams of students from POLIMI and the Joint School of Design and Innovation, as well as international project Cross Reality Smart Training Forerunner in Personalized Minimally Invasive Surgical Training based on XR Holistic Simulationt co-directed by the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Joint School of Design and Innovation of XJTU and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and jointly participated in by the team of students from TU Delft and the Joint School of Design and Innovation.

For the purpose of better bringing the Chinese-foreign cooperation advantages into play, stimulating students’ enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship, cultivating their practical ability of innovation and entrepreneurship, and displaying the results of international school running, the Joint School of Design and Innovation attached great importance to the competition this time and aimed to take it as a starting point to improve students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability. Since the launch of the competition, with the support of the Practice Center, various schools, functional departments, and colleges of the university, the School actively organized and mobilized students to participate in the competition by means of dedicated invitation and key project tracking and invited a total of 13 international projects to participate in the competition, of which 3 were selected for the finals and all won the gold awards.

In the future, the Joint School of Design and Innovation will continue to give full play to the advantages of Chinese-foreign cooperative school running and take competitions and projects such as the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition as the driving force. It will actively organize students to participate in international competitions to promote education through competitions, explore new approaches of talent cultivation to promote study through competitions, foster new forces for innovation and entrepreneurship to promote both through competitions, and build a new industry-education integration platform to train students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability, in order to effectively improve the quality of Chinese-foreign cooperative school running.