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Teacher Symposium of the XJTU-POLIMI School Held

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On the afternoon of Dec. 29, the XJTU-POLIMI Joint School of Design and Innovation (the XJTU-POLIMI School) held a symposium of teacher representatives, which was presided over by Executive Dean Yang Shuming and attended by Shan Zhiwei, President Assistant of XJTU and Dean of the XJTU-POLIMI School, Deputy Deans Jiang Weile and Li Decheng, Dean Assistant Zhai Binqing, and some class teachers and specialized course teachers of 2022 and 2023 of the School.

At the symposium, the teachers had in-depth exchanges and sharing in the aspects of discipline, teaching staff development, curriculum arrangement, cultivation system, discipline competition, particularity of design courses, teacher-student relationship, and students’ physical and mental health.

The teachers thought that the students had a strong subjective initiative, a strong sense of ownership, and a high sense of collective honor. They generally had high abilities in building information modeling and innovation. Currently it was necessary to mainly think about how to maintain students’ design inspiration, fully guarantee small class teaching, “lend them a hand” during their independent design of works, and make them gradually know how to use the professional knowledge they learned after entering the industry.

The teachers showed that in the teaching work of 2024, they needed to further enhance the communication and exchange with POLIMI teachers, connect courses one by one, set up a highly-integrated curriculum system and knowledge system of the two universities, and improve the experience sense of design courses, so that the students could have a clearer understanding of the professional portrait of architecture and industrial design.

Dean Shan Zhiwei listened to the teachers’ sharing and responded to their opinions and suggestions one by one. He pointed out that the School was intended to cultivate “high-quality international industrial leading talents” and sincerely grateful to the teachers for their care and dedication to students in study and life and the School would regularly hold teacher symposiums in the future. All the teachers were welcome to communicate with the School and bring forward valuable suggestions.

At the end of the meeting, Executive Dean Yang Shuming thanked the teachers once again for their contributions to teaching and student cultivation and said that the School would further follow up and analyze the valuable information and suggestions collected during the discussion and make every effort to do a good job in teaching together.