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Official Appointment Announcement Meeting of the XJTU-POLIMI School Held

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On the morning of Feb. 7, the university held the Official Appointment Announcement Meeting of the XJTU-POLIMI Joint School of Design and Innovation (hereinafter referred to as the “XJTU-POLIMI School”). The meeting was presided over by Executive Dean Yang Shuming and attended by Bie Zhaohong, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Executive Vice President of XJTU, President Assistant Shan Zhiwei, Liu Qingxin, Deputy Director of the Organization Dept. under the CPC XJTU Committee, and the whole staff of the XJTU-POLIMI School.

At the meeting, Liu Qingxin, on behalf of the CPC XJTU Committee, read out the appointment document of dean and deputy dean, appointing Comrade Shan Zhiwei as dean (concurrent) and Comrade Chen Xiaoming as deputy dean (concurrent).

Shan Zhiwei made a statement. He first thanked the CPC Committee of the university forthetrust and showed that he would actively undertake the new mission and earnestly perform his duties to boost the construction and development of the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school. Meanwhile, he would make plans for the key work of the School and make new achievements revolving around teaching staff cultivation, talent cultivation, discipline development, and industry-education integration. Chen Xiaoming said that he would boldly undertake the mission and devote himself to the development and construction of the XJTU-POLIMI School.

Bie Zhaohong congratulated the two new officials and meanwhile put forward requirements and expectations. She said that the new leading officials should get familiar with the work of the School as soon as possible, devote themselves to the all-round construction of the School, and raise awareness to push the development of the School to a new level. They should grasp the significant development opportunities of Chinese-foreign cooperative school running and strengthen the interaction and exchanges with POLIMI under the frameworks of the National Belt and Road Initiative and the University Alliance of the Silk Road, actively solve problems, and strive to promote the international development of the university. They should actively give impetus to the in-depth industry-university-research integration with Shaanjian Group and speed up the implementation of the XJTU-POLIMI-Shaanjian Joint Innovation Research Center. They should, with the School as the central medium, achieve industry-university-research integration throughout the process of talent cultivation, bring outstanding architectural enterprises of Shaanxi to the world, and meanwhile introduce in the advanced designer cultivation philosophy and high-level curriculum system of POLIMI, so as to realize tripartite benefits. They should look to the future and make arrangements for the evaluation of the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school as soon as possible in a bid to lay a solid foundation for the evaluation.