Associate Professor

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Laura Anselmi

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Laura Anselmi– short bio

Architect, holds a PhD in Industrial Design, she is Associate Professor in the Department and School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, where she is Scientific Director of the PUL - Product Usability Lab, research center in the field of Ergonomics, Usability and User Experience.Her principal interests are oriented to promote and carry out research and training activities for aDesign People Centeredthrough Design Thinking and Co-design methodologies, using tools to understand expressed and latent needs in order to develop innovative products and services that promote the psycho-physical well-being.

She participated in the establishment of IDEActivity Center, Centre of Excellence of the Politecnico di Milano, to enhance and promote theCreative Design Processaimed at innovation.She has developed herinterest in product innovation through collaborations with Italian and multinationalcompanies.She is co-author of patents and usability models.