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XJTU-POLImi Joint School of Design and Innovation Held the Third Joint Management Commettee Meeting

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On June 20, 2024, the Third Joint Management Committee Meeting of XJTU-POLIMI Joint School of Design and Innovation (hereinafter referred to as ”JSDI“) was held simultaneously in both online and offline formats at Politecnico di Milano and Xi'an Jiaotong University. The meeting was presided over by Professor Giuliano NOCI, Vice President of Politecnico di Milano and Deputy Director of the Joint Management Committee. Professor Shan Zhiwei, Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University, attended the meeting in person at Politecnico di Milano, along with members of the management committees from both universities, relevant functional departments, heads of colleges, and all staff members of JSDI.

Firstly, Professor Giuliano NOCI, on behalf of Politecnico di Milano, extended a warm welcome to Professor Shan Zhiwei and his delegation, and wished the meeting a successful outcome. He emphasized that the establishment and development of JSDI could not have been achieved without the joint efforts and close cooperation of both universities. Both institutions boast profound academic achievements and outstanding faculty in various disciplines. Through the platform of JSDI, promoting academic exchanges and cooperation, as well as advancing talent cultivation and scientific research innovation, are shared goals of both universities.

Subsequently, Professor Yang Shuming, Executive Dean of XJTU-POLIMI JDI College, reported on the change of President and Legal Representative of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and introduced five new members of the Chinese Joint Management Committee. The members of the Joint Management Committee welcomed the addition of the five new members.

The Joint Management Committee appointed Professor Shan Zhiwei of Xi'an Jiaotong University as the Director of the Joint Management Committee and reviewed the revised articles of the JSDI Management Committee Charter.

Professor Yang Shuming also reported on the overall progress of the college's work, and the Joint Management Committee expressed its recognition of the college's efforts. Discussions were held on topics such as student cultivation and teaching models.

Representatives from the School of Electrical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, and School of Materials Science and Engineering of Xi'an Jiaotong University presented the characteristics and advantages of their respective disciplines, paving the way for the establishment of a platform for interdisciplinary education and scientific research development between the two universities.

Finally, Vice President Shan Zhiwei concluded by stating that JSDI will continue to uphold the principles of openness and innovation, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two universities, promote the internationalization of college education and teaching, and strive to cultivate more high-quality talents with international competitiveness. Professor Shan also believes that both parties should strengthen cooperation in technological innovation, science and education integration, and rely on JSDI to facilitate multi-disciplinary cooperation between the two universities.